
Highly recommend this book Fifty Things That Made the Modern Economy by Tim Harford

  Highly recommend this book - Fifty Things That Made the Modern Economy by Tim Harford - one of the best non-fiction books I've read in ages - innovations from Robots to The Pill, Welfare State to Google Search - and there's a BBC podcast series [...]

2018-09-07T17:44:49+01:00September 7th, 2018|Categories: Books, Tweets|Tags: |

Learning Python

I'm currently learning Python, with the aim of adding to my scripting skills and seeing how Python can be used within general projects and testing projects. Initially, I'm learning via the web site version of 'Learn Python The Hard Way', which actually provides a gentle introduction [...]

2017-01-10T21:29:28+00:00July 16th, 2012|Categories: Books, Development, Python|Tags: , , |

Studying ‘Software Testing: ISEB Foundation’ – Chapter 7

Chapter 7 is a brief chapter, entitled 'The Examination'. It covers the exam structure, the types of question, some example questions in different K1/K2/K3/K4 categories, exam techniques and revision techniques. In brief, the exam is 1 hour long and contains 40 questions. The pass rate is [...]

2017-01-10T21:29:39+00:00May 25th, 2012|Categories: Books, Development, ISEB, Software Testing|Tags: , , |

Studying ‘Software Testing: ISEB Foundation’ – Chapter 6

Have now worked through Chapter 6 of the book, entitled 'Tool Support for Testing'. This is another very comprehensive chapter, which took around 9 hours of studying, over a few days. It covers the main topic of testing tools, describing in-depth the range of different types [...]

Studying ‘Software Testing: ISEB Foundation’ – Chapter 5

Have now worked through Chapter 5 of the book, entitled 'Test Management'. This is another very comprehensive chapter, which took around 7 1/2 hours of study, over a few days. It covers many different topics including testing and risk, test planning, test control, roles and tasks, [...]

Studying ‘Software Testing: ISEB Foundation’ – Chapter 4

Have now worked through Chapter 4 of the book, entitled ‘Test Design Techniques'. This is a very comprehensive chapter and took about 9 hours of study to get through, over a few days. It begins with coverage of key terms, then covers the basic process of [...]

Studying ‘Software Testing: ISEB Foundation’ – Chapter 3

Have now worked through Chapter 3 of the book, entitled 'Static Testing'. This took about 3 hours to work through. This chapter deals with the static techniques area of software testing - where software is tested without executing it. This can lead to finding errors and [...]

Studying ‘Software Testing: ISEB Foundation’ – Chapter 2

Have now worked through Chapter 2 of this book, entitled 'Life Cycles'. This looks at software testing as part of the overall software development process. It covers different software development models - waterfall model, V-model and iterative/incremental models. Then it introduces the test levels required - [...]

2017-01-10T21:29:47+00:00May 15th, 2012|Categories: Books, Development, ISEB, Software Testing|Tags: , , , |

Studying ‘Software Testing: ISEB Foundation’ – Chapter 1

Have now worked through Chapter 1 of the book, entitled 'The Fundamentals of Testing'. This covers the topics listed below and introduces the fundamental ideas of software testing, introducing new terminology, establishing the structure of the book and pointing forward to later chapters. This took about [...]

2017-01-10T21:29:48+00:00May 14th, 2012|Categories: Books, Development, ISEB, Software Testing|Tags: , , , |

Learning Android Development – next book ‘Android for Programmers’

Next book to work through is 'Android for Programmers' - from the Deitel Developer Series. This book contains 16 fully coded Android apps, giving explanations of how various functionality has been achieved. Apps areas include - Twitter searches, slideshow, quiz, games, calculator, drawing, weather and pizza [...]

2017-01-10T21:29:53+00:00March 6th, 2012|Categories: Android, Apps, Books, Development, Java|Tags: , , |

Learning Android Development – completed first book

I've now finished working through my first book on Android Development - 'Beginning Android Application Development' by Wrox. This book has given me a good introduction to Android development and I'd definitely recommend this book to those beginning Android Development. I really like the way its [...]

2017-01-10T21:29:54+00:00March 6th, 2012|Categories: Android, Apps, Books, Development, Java|Tags: , , , |

Learning Android Development – continued – Chapter 11 completed

Continuing learning Android Development using the book 'Beginning Android Application Development' from Wrox. Today, completed Chapter 11 - Publishing Android Applications. This featured: - How to prepare your apps for deployment - Exporting your app as an APK file and signing it with a new certificate [...]

2013-01-30T11:07:20+00:00March 6th, 2012|Categories: Android, Apps, Books, Development, Java|Tags: , , , |

Learning Android Development – continued – Chapter 10 completed

Continuing learning Android Development using the book 'Beginning Android Application Development' from Wrox. Yesterday, completed Chapter 10 - Developing Android Services. This featured: - Reasons for needing a service - Creating services that run in the background - How to perform long-running tasks in a separate [...]

2013-01-30T11:07:30+00:00March 6th, 2012|Categories: Android, Apps, Books, Development, Java|Tags: , , , |

Learning Android Development – continued – Chapter 9 completed

Continuing learning Android Development using the book 'Beginning Android Application Development' from Wrox. Just completed Chapter 9 - Location-Based Services - This featured: - displaying Google Maps in your Android application - obtaining a Google Maps API key - using MapView in your app - from [...]

2017-01-10T21:29:55+00:00March 4th, 2012|Categories: Android, Apps, Books, Development, Java, Wifi|Tags: , , , , |

Learning Android Development – continued 2

Continuing learning Android Development using the book 'Beginning Android Application Development' from Wrox. Now working on Chapter 8 - Messaging and Networking - currently looking at Networking and downloading binary data, such as bitmaps. This Chapter also features Web services, so that will be good to [...]

2017-01-10T21:29:57+00:00February 28th, 2012|Categories: Android, Apps, Books, Development, Java|Tags: , , , |

Learning Android Development

Now learning another aspect of Java development - this time for Mobile devices - and specifically Android devices. Working through the book 'Beginning Android Application Development' from Wrox. Have got the Android SDK and Platform downloaded and setup, using Eclipse plus the Android Development Tools plugin. [...]

2013-01-30T11:08:22+00:00February 16th, 2012|Categories: Android, Apps, Books, Java|Tags: , , , |

Working through ‘Agile Java Development with Spring, Hibernate and Eclipse’ book

Now getting the sample application up-and-running, which is an online Timesheet system, built using Spring Web MVC Framework. Have worked through chapters 5 - Using Hibernate for Persistent Objects, 6 - Overview of Spring Framework, 7 - The Spring Web MVC Framework and 8 - Eclipse. [...]

2012-03-12T11:38:33+00:00January 25th, 2012|Categories: Books, Java|Tags: , , , , |

Started new book… Agile Java Development with Spring, Hibernate and Eclipse

Agile Java Development with Spring, Hibernate and Eclipse Have just started working through this book, it seems a good introduction to the world of Agile Java Development: covering the Spring Framework, Hibernate, Eclipse, also Java dev tools like Ant and JUnit, plus the methodologies Extreme Programming [...]

2012-05-10T18:23:56+01:00January 11th, 2012|Categories: Books, DevBlog Amazon Store, Java|Tags: , , , , |
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