Now that I’ve gone through the official study guide book ‘Software Testing: An ISTQB-ISEB Foundation Guide’ I need to work out my preparation for the Certification Exam.

The book itself first recommends reading through the ISTQB Syallbus document, as its the basis of the exam itself – questions are raised directly from the syllabus and the wordings are very similar. The ISTQB Syllabus can be found at

Next, the book recommends going through an ISEB example exam paper, to gain familiarity with the questions and to see how much you have remembered and understood. After some Googling around, I managed to find the following sample exam papers/links:

The best plan seems to be doing an example exam or two then checking which areas you need to revise on most. After that revision then attempt another example exam and see where your understanding is at and what areas you may still need to go over again.

Also useful is the ISTQB Glossary of Testing Terms, available in PDF from

Other useful links