
My thoughts on AI

There was an initial wave of AI frenzy a few years ago, with every tech product producer, tech company, tech commentator mentioning AI as much and as often as possible, it seemed a passing fad, where they'd just substituted the easier to understand word AI for [...]

2023-05-25T16:56:04+01:00May 23rd, 2023|Categories: AI, featured-posts|Tags: , |

iOS 10

Now that we're into September 2016, iOS 10 will soon be released. Apple has it's own iOS 10 Preview page. As a brief overview, the main iOS 10 features, changes and enhancements are in the following areas: Siri to work within apps, utilising the Sirikit SDK [...]

2017-05-03T11:09:24+01:00September 2nd, 2016|Categories: Apple, featured-posts, iOS, iOS10|Tags: , , , |

News: 23 Feb 2013 – iPhone 5 leads way in Q4 2012 sales figures

           Figures out recently from Strategy Analytics show that Apple's iPhone 5 now leads the way as the world's best-selling smartphone. The full 1-2-3 in Q4 2012 was 1. Apple iPhone 5 27.4 million units (12.6%) 2. Apple iPhone 4S 17.4 million units [...]

2017-01-10T21:28:24+00:00February 23rd, 2013|Categories: Featured News, News 2013|Tags: , , , , , , , |
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