Middleware Testing Middleware Testing Types I perform include

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Testing Stages

During the Development Stage, I can work with the Developers, Designers and Project Managers to effectively design and execute tests at the most cost-effective time.

    * Working with Developers, Designers, Project Managers.
    * Testing can be focussed on the most important functionality or can be generalised, to cover all areas of the middleware.
    * Testing can be added in phases, as new functionality is developed and available for testing e.g. on a sprint/iteration/release basis.
    * Most cost-effective time for testing.
During the Beta Stage, bugs can be found which otherwise would have been released to the public.

    * Find Bugs before middleware is released.
    * All functionality can be tested at this stage, and emphasis can be given to certain functionality depending on priorities.
    * Still a cost-effective time for testing.
At the Release Stage, testing can be done at and around the go-live stage, to try and find any last-minute issues, and also when new features are added, or when the middleware is rewritten to take into account new technology, new features etc.

    * Testing at and around the go-live stage, to find any last-minute issues
    * Testing new Features and Functionality
    * Finding Bugs in rewritten middleware

Middleware & Interfaces I have worked and tested in

    • Financial Systems
    • Trading Systems
    • Trade Processing Interfaces
    • Precious Metal Interfaces
    • Settlements Interfaces
    • XML Interfaces
    • MQ Interfaces
    • Pager Messaging Interfaces
    • Reuters Price Feed Interface
    • Logistics Interface

Middleware Testing related activities & technologies

Creating Test Plans and Test Results documentation is a vital part of the testing process and enables the tester to plan what to test and to keep track of what’s been tested.
Creating detailed Bug Reports is an essential part of the testing process, allowing the developers to reproduce the bug and then attempt to fix it.
Maintaining and tracking issues in an Issue Tracking System is a vital way of managing the Test Process, so that progress in fixing issues can be monitored and updated.
Different projects require the use of different Issue Tracking Systems. So far, I’ve used the specialist Jira system, the DoneDone issue-tracking system, the issue-tracking features in the Codebase system, plus have also used Excel spreadsheets and Google Docs.
Having specific knowledge and experience of various databases and operating systems can be very useful when testing middleware systems. This knowledge and experience can assist the tester when planning which tests are needed, also during the testing process and when checking test results and investigating issues.
I have in-depth knowledge of using the main databases – Oracle, Sybase and MS SQL Server – plus also the main operating systems – Windows, Unix and Mac OSX.
Having knowledge and experience of different middleware technologies can assist the tester greatly, as this will give them an insight into how these different technologies work, potential issues that need to be tested and also how they interact with other elements of the system, such as databases and the operating system.
I have good knowledge and experience of middleware technologies including IBM Websphere MQ for messaging, XML for message formatting and content, price-feed technology including Reuter’s RMDS for Currency and PM rates, also file transfer types including FTP, as used in B2B interfaces.

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Client Testimonials

Pat is an excellent one-stop-shop for testing Apps and Websites. He is a self-starter who just knows what needs to be done and gets on with it, and is responsive to requests for any specific testing requirements. He provides test plans and reports as a matter of course and was a pleasure to work with. I will definitely be working with Pat again if the opportunity arises.
Andrew Birley, PM, Storythings
Pat performs comprehensive website testing for us, across all the main browsers and platforms, including mobile devices. His flexible approach to testing and clear feedback enable us to have confidence that the business end of our website is still working smoothly after system updates and changes.
Steve Liu, Manager, Wicked Lasers
Pat Walsh provided Kingston Valdes with a professional and personable service that was excellent value. The site was built and tested quickly, we are delighted with the results, and we have already had positive feedback from some of our clients. If you’re thinking of building a new site or adapting an existing one, I’d certainly recommend speaking with Pat about it.
Kathy Valdes, Kingston Valdes