I recently added some live demos of WordPress themes to my website, so you can see them in action.

Currently, there are demos for the following themes:

  • Pinboard – ideal theme for presenting graphical content, such as product photos, images, designs etc
  • AutoFocus – demo of the original, free version of the AutoFocus theme, good for photobloggers
  • MYgRID2 – another theme great for displaying images, in a minimalist grid style

You can also see screenshots for these demos below and also on the page for my WordPress Website All In One package.

I aim to add some more theme demos to the site, perhaps with themes in differing styles to these first three.

My WordPress Theme Demos

Pinboard Theme Demo

Sights of Spain - Pinboard Theme Demo

MYgRID2 Theme Demo

A Taste of Italy - MYgRID2 Theme Demo

AutoFocus Theme Demo

European Cities - AutoFocus theme demo